Real Health Conversations
Real Health Conversations (Formerly Low-Carb Conversations) is hosted by Holly Jean Mullen, FNTP and features a variety of voices in the world of modern nutrition and health science, expressing many different points of view.

Columbian low-carb, high-fat, primal diet blogger and YouTuber Catalina Monsalve and Integrative Health Coach, Type 1 traveler, and ketogenic diet proponent Michelle Gahee join our hosts Jimmy Moore and Jenna The Paleo PA today in Episode 198 of "Low-Carb Conversations With Jimmy Moore, Jenna The Paleo PA & Friends!"

It's another fun-filled Friday for you here on this listener-supported podcast dedicated to highlighting the latest health headlines with educated opinions from people in the low-carb, Paleo, primal, real food community. Do you like what you hear on this weekly podcast? Help keep us on the air by CLICKING HERE to make a donation of any amount to help us towards that goal. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


Shoppers aren’t confused by our labels, Chobani tells court: ‘Plaintiffs count on a consumer who is a veritable fool’

In today's episode, our hosts Jimmy Moore and Jenna Lightfoot (aka Jenna The Paleo PA) are joined by a Columbian low-carb, high-fat, primal diet blogger and YouTuber named Catalina Monsalve from and accompanying YouTube channel and Integrative Health Coach, Type 1 traveler, and ketogenic diet proponent Michelle Gahee on Instagram. Listen in at the beginning as Jimmy and Jenna talk about Jimmy's upcoming travel to Australia the next few weeks as well as the surprising diet of the two-time female CrossFit Games champion.


The 21st-century caveman: Hunter-gatherer, 79, has lived in Argentinian mountain grotto for 40 years drinking from a creek and eating what he kills

Listen in as Jimmy, Jenna, Catalina and Michelle discuss some charts that make it easy to understand why America has become obese, a low-fat vs. low-carb comparison that makes it seem they are the same, signs to look for that you need to be consuming more carbs in your diet, Chobani in legal hot water for putting "0%" on the front of their yogurt packaging, the true danger of consuming vegetable and seed oils, and a real life hunter-gatherer in Argentina for 40 years. Plus, don't miss Catalina's Healthy Raw Cream Panna Cotta recipe and Michelle's Veggie Loaded Shrimp and "Grits" recipe at the end of the show. Now pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and let's talk!

We will be off the air for the rest of September. See you again with new episodes again in October 2016!


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- This is what the "fittest woman on earth" eats every day
- Catalina Monsalve from
- Catalina on YouTube
- Michelle Gahee on Instagram
- SECRET HEADLINE: It’s easy to become obese in America. These 7 charts explain why.
- Why fad diets do NOTHING: Chart reveals it is impossible to sustain lifestyle of extremely low calories
- Unusual Signs That Say You Need More Carbohydrates In Your Diet!
- Shoppers aren’t confused by our labels, Chobani tells court: ‘Plaintiffs count on a consumer who is a veritable fool’
- Could So-Called 'Healthy' Vegetable And Seed Oils Be Making Us Fat And Sick?
- The 21st-century caveman: Hunter-gatherer, 79, has lived in Argentinian mountain grotto for 40 years drinking from a creek and eating what he kills
- VIDEO: Catalina's Healthy Raw Cream Panna Cotta

Michelle's Veggie Loaded Shrimp and "Grits"

Heat 1 cup of chicken broth and 1 cup of heavy cream (or water or almond or coconut milk depending on your preference), and 2 tablespoon of butter to a slow boil. Add Adapt Meal and stir, to thicken add additional Adapt Meal, for a thinner consistency, add additional liquid. (The cereal can be ordered from

Shrimp and veggies
2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup sugar snap peas
1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes cut in half
12 jumbo shrimp
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat skillet over medium heat and coat with butter. Add sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes and cook until slightly wilted. Add shrimp and cook until opaque. Season as desired. Serve over "Grits." Serves 2.

Direct download: LCC-198-monsalve-gahee.mp3
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